In order to keep pace with the latest trends in the tobacco and alcohol industry, we must constantly research data and consistently create current and fresh public service announcements to raise awareness and educate the community. Thanks to our partner JYoung Media, we are able to stay current with impactful educational videos and PSA’s. Many of our PSA’s are shown in movie theatres and Department of Motor Vehicle Offices to reach our target audience. With the help of our college student interns, we are able to develop PSA’s that speak to their peer group. These PSA’s are realistic, as well as tell the hard truth about the consequences of using hookahs and other electronic nicotine delivery devices or abusing alcohol.
Behind The Scenes: Hookah and Alcohol Awareness PSA's
Written on 11/23/2014
In order to keep pace with the latest trends in the tobacco and alcohol industry, we must constantly research data and consistently create current and fresh public service announcements to raise awareness and educate the community. Thanks to our partner JYoung Media, we are able to stay current with impactful educational videos and PSA’s. Many of our PSA’s are shown in movie theatres and Department of Motor Vehicle Offices to reach our target audience. With the help of our college student interns, we are able to develop PSA’s that speak to their peer group. These PSA’s are realistic, as well as tell the hard truth about the consequences of using hookahs and other electronic nicotine delivery devices or abusing alcohol.